Friday, 4 May 2012


I've decided to keep this up, even though I have nothing definite to say. It's extremely late and I'm really tired. I want to write at least enough so that the page extends. The page extends once you've written enough to be a very large paragraph - then it extends to a roughly A4 page.

Because I haven't got anything to say - I may as well direct you to those I watch on YouTube when I'm bored. Here's a diagram that shows who I watch and how I've come across them:

As you can see, there are people there I don't watch, but they're still worth watching. Smosh was recommended by my brother, so it's on its own. 
Charlieissocoollike mentions a lot of other people in his videos. He lives with Nerimon, and he mentioned Wheezy Waiters when making the video 'My YouTube Rules'. He says Wheezy Waiter says 'beardlovers' rather than referring the audience as 'YOU', as there's only one person watching - probably - at a time. Wheezy Waiter mentioned him back in respect and because he likes doing a British accent badly. 
Wheezy Waiter mentioned Ze Frank because he inspired him to make videos.
Charlieissocoollike then mentioned Elmify in 'The Liker Chain', where people make a chain. One person mentions one person, then they mention someone else, and so forth. I watch Elmify, and she repeatedly talks about Meekakitty - who inspired her.



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